Thursday, July 21, 2011

It's not's the next step.

Or at least that is what I am telling myself. I don't know where these thoughts come from, the thoughts for stories and characters - all of that stuff, but I am glad for them. It is like writing one story has opened the flood gate and I have all of these characters popping in and out of my head wanting 'their turn' - it reminds me of that scene in Ghost where Whoopi Goldberg has this line of ghosts waiting to talk to their loved ones through her, except my people aren't dead, they are imaginary. Don't tell the authorities...I'd probably get locked up in a padded cell.
Anyway, I got this idea for a story last night and I wrote out the first couple hundred words of a scene, today I wrote a three page outline, and just in the last two hours - I've written the first thousand or so words so that my two main characters have solid "working voices" so that I have a "jumping off" point when it is time. 
Still Love is not done and I've not stopped working on it. It currently stands at 68,118 words. My goal is 80,000. I think that is an absolutely obtainable goal. If there is more to the story, that's even better!
My biggest fear about writing isn't that no one will like what I write - I tend to not really be terribly concerned about what others think of me. It gives me a headache. My biggest concern was that I would write a story and then I would be completely out of ideas. Ha! Presently, I appear to have between five and seven potential books to go with, four of which have out lines and three of the four belong to a trilogy/series!
I know I promised to introduce the characters from Still Love -  I am still working on that without giving away the good stuff! It's harder to do than I had originally thought, but not impossible!

Saturday, July 2, 2011


The inspiration for John and Bayne's story initially came about from listing to I Write Sins Not Tragedies by Panic at the Disco!, as you may remember from my previous blogging. I am always in search of new songs for the writing play list! Creativity spawns creativity and every life has a sound track. Remember the first time that you heard your favorite song? Where you were, what you were doing, and who you were with? I do. Music has a way of connecting everything together. The first time that I heard I Write Sins Not Tragedies by Panic at the Disco!, I was in my 2003 Silver Kia Optima (it's since been traded in) and driving to my boyfriends house. The song ended and I found my self thinking "what if..." and the thoughts have been churning ever since, Bayne and John became too real to contain in my mind and they had to have their own world. They let me create it, nice of them, don't you think? Anyway - here is my current play list, I am looking for similar music and if you have any ideas - let me know!

I Write Sins Not Tragedies - Panic at the Disco!
Whataya Want from Me - Adam Lambert (if he's not the cutest damn thing, I don't know what is...)
Shattered (Turn the Car Around) - O.A.R
Sing - My Chemical Romance
All the Right Moves - OneRepublic
Apologize - OneRepublic
Wasting My Time - Default
Silver and Cold - AFI
Stop and Stare - OneRepublic
Falls on Me - Fuel
Hemorrhage (In My Hands) - Fuel
Send the Pain Below - Chevelle
Thnks Fr Th Mmrs - Fall Out Boy
The Kill - 30 Seconds to Mars (gorgeous eyes, that one has!)
You Don't Own Me - The Blow Monkeys (yeah - this is the version from Dirty dancing, and my favorite version)
How to Save a Life - The Fray (This is so!)